Note: I welcome any and all readers. I hope that, if you find yourself here, you find comfort in our story as I have found comfort in the stories of so many other moms and dads who have traveled this lonely road.

Sunday 30 November 2014

Up, then Down Again

Hello, friends.

I haven't posted here in some time. A lot has changed since I did. Life has gone up, then down again. I hope that we begin climbing up soon.

I've decided to use a permanent blog space rather than have several narrowly themed blogs - you can find the new one at I update regularly.

I hope that this blog has been a help to you if you have followed it. I would love for you to continue on with me at the new location. Please email me anytime - I know how desperate I was in the early months for someone, anyone, to understand. Note that I don't check that address often, but if you message me, I will always (eventually) reply.

All the best.